
I am glad that it was something easy. Good work tracing it down and getting it fixed.

Something to watch for in the future - if you get the filesystem check in emplode, you know now (for a fact) that the emplode based check will not clear the error. Just go right in and do a manual check after the sync completes.

If you feel intensely bored and curious, you can always accidently leave a filesystem read/write, exit, try to sync with emplode while watching the terminal connection. Just to see if you see an error. Kind of boring, and will require two syncs (the failed emplode sync and a manual one) to restore your player to health. I would suspect a memory problem (or lack of memory, more explicitly).

Wish list item (bad location, I know): have emplode turn swap on / off for any disk checks it performs. Thanks.

Edit: Okay. I could not resist. The unfortunately amusing bit to all of this is that your first post in this thread had a link to a description of exactly this problem...

Edited by pgrzelak (16/01/2004 19:36)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs